Unmasking Your Fears: How Faith Reveals the Truth Behind Life’s Illusions

Your Fears Are A Thinly Veiled Lie. 

Where you see a chasm, there is really but a small step to cross the gap.

But between you and that step is a curtain of lies. 

You can’t see past the curtain but you assume that it has to be this big, huge, menacing, difficult, terrible, reality you’re dealing with. 

But in fact, it’s quite the opposite. 

When you pull the curtain, it’s all smoke and mirrors.

My brothers and sisters, it’s all smoke and mirrors.

None of it is true. 

The fear that you’ll be alone. 

It’s not true. 

Confronting Fear
Confronting Fear

The fear that there is a menacing monster, larger than life, too big to contend with – also not true. 

The fear that you’ll die – also not true. 

The fear that you’ll be lost if you try to close that gap.

It’s all a lie.

God places the chasm there to test you. 

Will you explore? 

Will you dive in?

Will you try to see what it is that you’re afraid of? 

Do you have the courage to confront the fear?

Do you have the courage to confront your own Goliath and to slay him?

This is what God is testing you with. 

That fear is so small, so tiny, that if you approach it in the right way, it is less than an ant that you could crush.

It is less than the breath that you take. 

Because anything that is false and is a lie has no substance. 

There is nothing there.

There is not an ounce of weight, not an ounce of truth. 

There’s not even space for it to exist. 

The truth is that your fear is composed of nothing. 

And God is waiting to see if you’ll ask for His help to discover this truth. 

Deep in our hearts, the solution that we’re looking for is that this fear is a lie.

The truth is that we want to know that we can conquer it. 

The tragedy is that we decide to believe it’s not conquerable, that it is bigger than us. 

We choose to settle with it. 

We choose to make the fear our home. 

We choose to let it in. 

We choose to let it conquer us. 

That’s the tragedy. 

But we could choose to fight it, to slay it, to defeat it. 

We simply need to explore it with God at our side. 

To ask him to explore the fear with us as we engage it. 

To ask him to help us every second while we’re exploring, and not to think about our own senses, our own thoughts (which are imperfect, and can be flawed).

We need to think about him as we’re exploring this fear so that we can see it for what it truly is: a thinly veiled hoax. 

My brothers and sisters, our salvation and our future is at stake. 

We don’t end when we die here – we go to a better place. 

But where we go depends on our actions here on this earth. 

It depends on situations like this: how we deal with our fears. 

We are not strong enough to deal with it ourselves because we’re flawed.

Each and every one of us behaves like we’re crazy. 

We all know we’re imperfect. 

We all know that we’re flawed. 

But we try to contend with these obstacles in front of us as if we have the power to contend with them. 

It’s the craziest kind of behavior in the world.

Instead, we don’t ask our creator to help us. 

To unveil, unmask the lie. 

To present the devil for the worm that he is. 

And to help us smash him and to crush his head. 

Instead, we go forth, like fake heroes, thinking that we can contend. 

We cannot contend even with nothingness: a lie that has zero substance will defeat us. 

That’s how weak we are. 

A lie with zero substance will defeat us. 

But each of us walks around like we’re our own Gods.

Do not allow yourself to submit your soul to this tragedy. 

Your soul is at stake. 

The souls of your family are at stake. 

The souls of your loved ones are at stake. 

The souls of strangers who need you are at stake.

Men, women and children. 

There are children out there who need you. 

They’re weak and vulnerable and they need you to fight. 

Don’t allow the devil to tempt you with some weak, despicable, tiny little lie that’s thinner than silk. 

If you only choose to cross that gap – you’d see that you can step right over it and move on. 

My brothers and sisters, everything depends on your actions. 

You are meant to be a hero. 

But you’re meant to be a hero for God. 

You’re meant to be a hero with God, your creator. 

Choose to believe in this, not in yourself. 

Disregard our insane culture that says you can do everything yourself – you can’t! 

Everything you can do depends on your heart continuing to beat – and you can’t even control that! 

Why would you think you can do more? 

But the sains who depended on God…God held them up.

And they had miracles done for them. 

They saved lives. 

They brought people back from the dead. 

They defeated demons. 

They squashed the enemy. 

This is your purpose, this is your goal. 

This world is a lie.

Don’t believe in this flurry of lies that’s thrown at you, one after the other:

“You can’t overcome this! You need all this medicine!”

“You need to change your gender!”

“You need to travel the world and visit every exotic island and expose yourself to so many experiences in order to know the meaning of life!”

That’s ridiculous. 

You can be perfectly happy living just where you are. 

Isn’t that the more beautiful, hopeful, pleasant, joyous, miraculous thing – that you could be happy living right where you are! 

But instead, we believe these lies. 

Deep in our souls, we know that our culture is trying to kill us. 

But we submit ourselves to it anyway. 

Because we believe that there is no other way. 

But it’s not true. It’s all a test from God. 

And God is just waiting for us to go to him and say, “Lord, God I don’t know what to do. Help me please!”

Go to him! 

Go to him and unload your heart to him so that he can help you conquer this obstacle and conquer a million others!

And be the hero you were meant to be! 

Don’t allow this despicable culture, this crazy world to shape you! 

It’s a culture that is insane. 

This is the definition of insanity: believing two opposite things at once. 

That’s how you go crazy. 

Try to believe in two opposite things at once. 

You’re going to go crazy. 

This world tells you that you’re independent and that you can take care of yourself and love yourself and that you’ll get anything done by yourself.

But at the same time, this world also tells you that you can’t do things like get married and have kids. 

You can’t do it because “it’s too hard!”

 “Staying married is too hard!”

“The divorce rate is too high!”

“Don’t worry about the abortions – look at all the cans not being recycled and the planet being destroyed!”

It’s the world that is telling you that you have to follow its rules, its set of laws, its beliefs. 

At the same time, it tells you that you can help yourself up alone. 

But you have to believe that abortion is okay. 

The world needs you to believe that traditional marriage is a failed institution. 

The world needs you to believe that you can do what you want and be completely hedonistic in any choices that you have without regard for other people, and everything will be fine. 

The world needs you to believe that you can have sex with anybody that you want and it isn’t going to matter. 

The world needs you to believe that you can kill your child in the womb and it’s going to be okay. 

The world needs you to believe that you must vote for policies that allow children to be trafficked through the border- and it’s going to be fine. 

The world throws these rules at you, while also telling you that you must appease your ego. 

It treats you like a little idiot. 

“You can do whatever you want by yourself, it’s going to be okay – but you have to believe these rules.”

And you eat it up. 

You don’t have to live this way. 

You ask yourself why you have insomnia, depression, and mental disorder.

You ask yourself why you feel you’re in darkness. 

It’s because you are in darkness. 

You don’t have to be there, but you chose to be there. 

You can choose to believe in something infinitely greater, infinitely more powerful, infinitely more happy than the life you are living. 

But you need the grace of God to do it. 

God is a father that will lift you up as soon as you look toward him. 

But if you abandon him and don’t look at your own father, you’re abandoning your own inheritance. 

If your mom or dad just died and left you an inheritance – let’s say $2 million for the sake of argument. 

That money is destined for you.

But if you go to the authorities and say “I am not their son and I am relinquishing my inheritance because I hate my parents. I disavow them and I don’t want anything that they’ve given me.”

Do you think you’re doing to get the $2 million? No. 

You can rightfully choose to give it up. 

It’s the same with God. 

You can choose to give up everything he has for you. 

Any you do it because, “Oh, I know better. The world tells me that God and religion are old and stupid and patriarchal.”

“It’s a patriarchal relic of the old days.” 

Isn’t that convenient? 

People only believed in it for thousands of years, and you’re the one generation to outsmart everybody else. 

If that’s not an ego trip, what is? 

If you relinquish his inheritance, his glory, his peace, and his love – then you won’t have it anymore. 

He gives you the right to relinquish everything good and holy. 

So you cannot wonder why you’re sad and depressed and lonely when you’ve literally given up on everything that’s rightfully yours. 

You were created by the creator. 

You should turn to him for all of your needs, not some Joe Schmo, not some cheesy billboard, not some famous actor, not some character in a movie or TV show, not some anchor.

Turn to the Lord God and he will help you and lift you up and solve all of your problems. 

But do it with courage, do it with modesty and humbleness. 

Don’t do it like some pestilent little child who says, “Ah, you’re not helping me!”

“You’re the one that’s bad – I’m fine!”

No, there’s nothing wrong with God. 

You’re the one who needs the help.

You’re the one who’s made the bad decisions. 

You’re the one who is desperate for help. 

Go to him. 

Go to him and see what he has lying in store for you. 

Don’t believe the nonsense and the trash. 

Don’t believe the stupid fears. 

God can help you overcome anything: a death in the family, personal trauma – your OWN death! 

He can do it all.

He can do it all! 

This is the answer that our soul craves – we crave somebody that can help us do it all.

And he’s there for that!

And he promises that in the scriptures. 

And if you deny it, then you deny it.

But don’t deny it. 

Go out and explore! 

Don’t be addicted to your darkness, but fight it like a caged animal who believes in God. 

And you will win. 

Be a hero.

Not a victim. 

Be a saint. 

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